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Gray Water
BRAC - RGW 250 - RGW 350
BRAC Grey-Water Recycling System
Unfortunately, BRAC has gone out of business.
If you still need an alternative grey-water system,
Greyter is now the leading manufacturer, with a much expanded line.
Currently Greyter focuses exclusively on the commercial market, although
in the coming years Greyter plans on expanding to the residential market.
In case you still would like to know what the BRAC system was, read the following.
Brac systems can help you save 35% to 40% on
your annual water bill, and while saving money, you will also help save the
environment and provide a better future for our children and their children to
come. With this amount of savings, your Brac Grey Water Recycling System pays
"UNESCO has predicted that by 2020 water
shortage will be a serious worldwide problem."
The Brac Grey Water Recycling System is a must
for anyone who cares about the environment.
Brac Systems holds an international patent.
| Brac Systems Annual Costs
(877) 713-7858
The maintenance expenses for our systems are only 22 to 25 $CDN
PER YEAR. The Hydro expenses for the jet pump are 11 to 13 $CDN. The cost
for the chlorine (for disinfection) is 6 to 7$CDN per year. 3 to 5 $CDN
for the vinegar or bleach which is needed to rinse out the holding tank
once a year. If there is any residue.
Labour, material and installation costs in new construction ( approx.
2500 feet living space ) are approximately 1000 $CDN, excluding the Brac
The filter in our system is good for at least 5 years, if handled with
care. There is also one spare filter included in the purchase price of
all of our grey water recycling systems. A replacement filter is available
to you at a cost of 9.99 $CDN (subject to change) if needed. The filter
should be washed or rinsed out once a month. This only takes 3 minutes
of your time.
We also include 200 feet of warning tape which must be used for
marking the grey water pipes in the household (wrapped around the grey
water pipe). The plumber will do this during the installation.
The warranty for all of our products is 2 years. The jet pump (the
heart of our product) has a 2 year warranty from the manufacturer which
can be extended for 3 years by the manufacturer at a cost of $15.-CDN(
five years in total ). The application form is included in our owner’s
manual as part of the warranty attachment.
Here are some links where you can find answers to some questions
you might have:
250 |
66 |
3-4 people/day |
Call for quote:
206.324.5055 | 1 week |
350 |
93 |
5-6 people/day |
206.324.5055 | 2-3 weeks |
Shipping costs are around $450-$500 per unit, depending on your location.

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