How Does Staber Compare
With the Traditional Top-Load Agitator Washer
That You May Be Currently Using?
Compare to FRONT-load washers

Ask yourself these questions:

Even though it still may be working, just think about the costs of using your current washer—it all adds up! You can now see why a Staber washer makes so much more sense compared to a traditional agitator washer.

Here is what you need to consider:

In conclusion, it is a fact you pay utility bills and detergent costs to use a washer. Thus, if you reduce how much money you are spending right now with your current washer you can pay back the entire cost of our washer really quickly. Please call us at 1-360-730-7992 if you have any questions or if you would like to go ahead and place an order, or email

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How Does Staber Compare With the Traditional Top Load Agitator Washer You May Be Currently Using?
How Does Staber Compare With Front Load Washers?
Read about the Staber Dryer and Drying Cabinet.
What does a Staber look like? Pictures.
 Order a Staber washer.

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