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Are you prepared for an emergency? |
Are you prepared for emergencies?
For total preparedness, think self-sufficiency.
Examine each category of your life.
How would you do things yourself?
Examine these categories:
filters with hand-pumps; portable
emergency units: power, water, communications
supply; water
supply; water
purity; hot
water; garbage
and waste; toilets;
and electricity; your
business or job; clothing;
Think about it. No matter
what happens, you will be prepared for anything. For example, if
you have a rainwater cistern, a good potable drinking water filter, and
a composting toilet, you don't need an outside water source. If you
have a solar hot water heater, you can take a shower, do your dishes and
laundry, and enjoy a long bath with solar-heated rainwater! Many
people travel by bicycle and bus, and more and more own electric cars that
can be solar-charged. Garbage can be separated into categories as
it is produced, and virtually everything can be recycled. For food,
there are a surprising amount of ways to grow your own in window boxes,
up walls, on kitchen counters, with "Square-Foot-Gardening" techniques,
and more. Consider, too, that there is always the option to trade what
you grow for what someone else raises.
Since we're all in this together,
there are other people who have what you need and vice versa.
Adversity brings creativity and opportunity, and no matter what the situation
there will always be ways to make money. Even if a fire or an earthquake
takes away the things you already have, clothing is not a crucial issue
because there are so many sources for clothes. Education can continue
the old way with books instead of computers, and the mail can function
as it did before there were scanners. Set yourself up now with the
immediate basics, such as food, water, heat, and toilets, and the rest
will adapt with time. If you want to discuss any issues, feel free
to contact me:
Emergency Grab-and-Go Kit
Designed using US Gov. Guidelines. Prepare at Home, Work, School.
Emergency Response
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