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| - Proven Fuel Savings
- Lower Maintenance Cost
- Increased Performance
- Used by Major Fleets
Mileage Maxx is a patented multifunctional distillate fuel additive that is proven to provide the following performance and preventative maintenance benefits:
What it will do:
- Increases horsepower by 5%+
- Improves mileage & fuel economy by 5%-20%
- Reduces visible exhaust & toxic exhaust emissions by 30%-50%
- Boosts base cetane by up to 8 points, improving ignition quality & reliability
- Acts as a lubricant; reduces friction & wear
- Cleans injectors & pumps
- Prevents gelling
- Separates out water; contains emulsifiers to remove moisture
- Reduces oxidation during storage
- Prevents rust & corrsosion
- Contains algaecide
- Works with all fuels
- Reduces maintenance cost & extends equipment life
- Lowers surface tension affecting a more complete fuel burn
- Acts as a fuel stabilizer to reduce contamination
- Reduces carbon & EGR soot buildup
- Comprised of environmentally safe biodegradable petrochemicals
What it will not do:
- Does not require engine modifications
- Does not void engine manufacturer's warranties
- Will not harm engines, engine parts, fuel lines, or storage tanks
- Does not contain alcohol, methanol, isopropyl, MBTE, sulfur or metal