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Solar is the way to go....
If you are interested in
Solar Electricity
or in
Solar-Heated Water
then you have come to the right place.
Follow the links for details.
Increased demand for renewable energy and energy efficiency technologies will be like putting the clean energy economy—already growing at twice the rate of the rest of the economy—on steroids. We're already seeing early returns from initial investments in recent years. According to a recent study by the investment banking firm Lazard:
- The price of solar panels has fallen 80% since 2008, and the United States added more solar capacity in the past two years than in the previous 30 years combined.
- The average upfront price to install standard utility-scale projects dropped by more than a third since 2009.
- Even without government subsidies, wind power now costs 39-44% less per kilowatt-hour than fossil fuels, while solar power costs just 9-18% more. With current subsidies in place, both sources are significantly less expensive than fossil fuels.
- In addition, the U.S. solar industry is creating new jobs at nearly 20 times the rate of the overall economy.
Why Solar Electricity?
If you are interested in electricity produced by the sun, then your initial
cost might range from $10,000-$30,000. Small used single panels start
at $20.
Many states and counties give tax incentives for solar electricity, and
most will also buy energy from anyone who produces it.
The cost of power is constantly going up, and we have no control over electricity
that we buy from the power companies. Having the ability to produce
our own power gives us a complete sense of independence.
By putting power back into the grid, we are contributing to the entire
country's independence from nuclear, coal and oil.
Solar electricity does not pollute, is quite, and is renewable.
Why Solar-Heated Water?
If you are interested in heating your water by the sun, then your initial
cost might range from $275 to $5000.
Anyone can afford solar hot water. In fact, every house in the country
would benefit from solar heated water.
Why pay for electricity, natural gas or propane to heat your water when
the sun is shining? Solar systems pay for themselves quickly.
Click here to read about the Skyline Solar
Water Heaters.

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