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Gray Water

Dean Petrich
2131 E. Middle Drive
Freeland, WA 98249-9516
(360) 730-7992 / (206) 324-5055
"Alternating Intermittent Recirculating Reactor"
(877) 713-7858

Graywater & Blackwater Treatment
for individual residences, small communities, and entire towns.

Now you can have safe water.

Alternating Intermittent Recirculating Reactor (AIRR) watsewater recovery technology provides secondary and teriary treatment of wastewater to reclaimed clear water quality.  The AIRR facilities sections provide an environmental area for the micro-organism colonies to reduce the contaminants and pollutants in wastewater, thereby producing a very clear water for reuse.

No offensive odors!

No chemicals!

Low constructions costs!

Local labor and materials! 

Recycle - Reuse - Discharge
AIRR clear water discharge average is ten times better than EPA's minimum recreational water standards!
  • Irrigation: golf courses, landscape crops, green belts, etc.
  • Double plumbing: toilets, laundry, etc.
  • Waterways: rivers, ponds, salt water -- NPDES permitted
  • Rejuvenation of failed systems: leach drainfields, seepage beds and vertical pits, soak ways, etc.
  • Buildable lots: solve problems with slopes and soils
  • Drip irrigation and pressure distribution
Advantages of AIRR
  • Modular: Additional AIRR facilities can be added for expansion
  • Construction Cost: Very competitive.  Local Labor and materials.
  • O & M: Extremely low for electricity, equipment and personnel costs.
  • Life Expectancy: 100+ years.  (Since 1977 -- first installation: no failures!)
AIRR wastewater recovery/treaatment and process has solved many pollution problems of domestic wastewater at an economical cost of operation.  The AIRR process is very simple and effecgtive without the use of many pumps, blowers, complicated mixing systems and highly trained personnel.  

Low Operating & Maintenance Cost
  • No operating adjustments required of an inspector
  • Facility owner's personnel perform inspections/maintenance as "no process decisions are required"
  • Inspections depend on facility size
  • Yearly maintenance cost - extremely low
Low Electrical Operating Cost
  • Electrical usage is approximately 4.8 hr./day (at design flow) or less per day
  • Up to 1,050 gallons of water can be recovered with 1 kwh electricity.
Construction of AIRR facilities can be above ground, below ground or part above and below.  Patios, tennis courts, parking, or buildings can be built on top of the facilities.


The SPEC Industries, Inc. Water Reclamation Technology was named the AIRR (Alternating - Intermittent - Recirculating - Reactor) because of the process flow. The AIRR technology is a biological reactor that provides a controlled environment for the colonies of bacteria to react efficiently and effectively.

First, the AIRR facility is preceded by primary treatment such as a collection/septic tank. Primary treatment removes most of the fixed solids and discharges mostly dissolved solids. Dissolved solids are usually rapidly biodegradable to carbon dioxide and water leaving only a small amount of mineral matter which is usually in soluble form.

Microorganisms multiply in the presence of a source of food, but the low loading applied to the AIRR results in operation well into the edogenous growth phase where the microorganisms themselves are part of the food supply. Therefore, organisms are mostly consumed and do not accumulate in the AIRR media. A small amount of unconsumed suspended solids are discharged with the AIRR effluent which minimizes solids accumulation in the reactor. Therefore, the fate of solids in AIRR facilities is biologically reduced to provide a clear water and solids do not appear to accumulate within the unit, which has been processing influent since 1977.


Septic/collection tank effluent is delivered through a PVC pipe to the dosing tank. Two submersible alternating pumps (A) and (B), set in a screened enclosure located in dosing tank accessible through tank covers, deliver effluent through a PVC pressure pipe to the sub surface low pressure equal distribution system laterals in the dosing (secondary treatment) bed located in the AIRR enclosure for initial injection. A gate valve is used to regulate the flow and pressure to the distri¬bution system, which is set at __ feet of head. A time control device is located in the control and testing box which cause the submersible alternating pumps to deliver a design quantity of effluent at one half hour intervals to the dosing bed.

A dosing tank vent pipe is provided to prevent build up of fumes in the dosing tank. After a period of time, this dosed effluent, now partially treated, is displaced and flows through the under-drain pipe to the recirculation tank which contains submersible alter¬nating pumps (C) and (D) accessible through tank access. A time control device located in the control and testing box activate the alternating submersible pumps to deliver a designed quantity of partially treated water, through pressure pipe, at one half hour intervals to the overhead recirculation sprin¬kler network. This network distributes the partially treated water evenly over the reactor's dosing bed (secondary treatment section) and the final treatment bed (tertiary treatment section). A gate valve in the recirculation pressure line is used to regulate the flow and pressure to the sprinkler heads, which deliver a design volume of water per minute at __ psi.

The recirculation water that falls on the dosing bed returns through a drainpipe to the recirculation tank. The water that falls on the final treatment bed flows through a drain pipe to discharge.  A discharge system consisting of a tank, two alternating submersible pumps (E) and (F) accessible through tank access, a meter box, a meter, and a discharge pressure pipe are used when gravity discharge is not available. The discharge pumps are activated by controls inside the discharge tank. These controls are activated by demand and not on a timed basis as are the pumps in the re¬circulation and dosing systems. Electrical boxes are conveniently placed near the respective tanks where the pumps and controls are connected outside the tanks. The electrical box at the dosing tank has internal gas seals to prevent gas from seeping into the box and causing corrosion.


SPEC Industries, Inc. is pleased to announce the technologically advanced “NITRATE” reduction unit to go along with the AIRR Wastewater Recovery Technology.  This technological development has taken years of trials and testing to create a “NITRATE” reducing process that can be adjusted to meet the requirements of governing agencies.  Independent test laboratories have provided the test results.  Nitrate Average Test results = less than 10ppm.
The AIRR/NRU Nitrate Reduction – Water Recovery Facility is the real solution for developments, sub-division, villages, single family homes, commercial establishments, etc.

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  • Talk to a live person: Dean Petrich (877) 713-7858