Water Catchment - Rain Water - Water Storage Water Filtration, Treatment & Purification Products: - What To Do - Quick Answers - Multi-Pure Filters Informative Articles: - 24 Filter Methods - Global Water Issues - Why Drink Water? - Basics of Filtration - Water Conserevation Water Disposal - Drain Strainers - Gray Water Technical Information - Water Testing - Survey - Iron - Arsenic - Nitrates - System Installation - Filter Maintenance - Determining GPM Prices - Unit & Parts Prices - Sample ozone prices | Water Storage and Purification . water storage; alternate water sources; drinking water treatment methods; preparation for disaster; water disinfection tips; filtration; survival plan rainwater collection; solar water heater; to order filters; water shortage There are many different kinds of disasters that
can impact our lives. Earthquakes, torandoes, floods, fires, hurricanes, etc.
strike without warning and can be devastating to those affected. Now is the
time to prepare your family by making sure that everyone knows what to do in the
event of an emergency and that all supplies are ready. Storage - a book by Art Ludwig Tanks, Cisterns, Aquifers, and Ponds For Domestic Supply, Fire and Emergency Use Includes How to Make Ferrocement Water Tanks http://www.oasisdesign.net/water/storage/ By Donald Sutherland ORLANDO, Florida, December 11, 2001 (ENS) - Water management officials in central Florida warn the region has supplies of drinking water that will last just five more years if current unfettered growth and projected drinking water demand is not abated. For full text and graphics visit: http://ens-news.com/ens/dec2001/2001L-12-11-02.html . WATER STORAGE 2. Store at least two gallons of water in your vehicle. 3. Store additional water for hygiene and cooking. 4. Store a three-day supply of water for your pets. 5. Replace your stored water every six months. 6. Store your water in a cool, dark, and dry place, separated from your other emergency supplies. 7. Store your water on lower shelves, rather than on higher shelves from which containers could fall and burst. 8. Do not store water in plastic milk bottles. Heavy, opaque bottles with screw on lids are preferable for storing water. 2. Toilet tanks (not the bowl) if the water hasn't been treated with chemicals to enhance color, smell, etc. 3. Canned begetables and fruits stored in water or juice. 4. Beverages. 5. Ice. 6. Swimming pools (for hygiene purposes only). It is not recommended that swimming pool water be used for drinking because acids build up in the water which could be harmful to health. 7. Do not use water stored in vinyl plastic containers, such as water beds, for drinking. You may use the compressed carbon block installed at
your kitchen sink to process stored water or water from alternate sources by
siphoning the water from the source through the carbon block. Siphoning could
be accomplished manually or by using an emergency Hand Pump Kit. This requires
that you disconnect your system from the plumbing (if installed below the sink)
or the faucet (if installed on the countertop).
In preparation for a disaster, learn how
to: 1. Boil for 5-10 minutes, or 2. Add 10 drops of a household bleach solution per gallon of water, mix well and let stand for 30 minutes. If the water is cloudy, double the amount of chlorine. A slight smell or taste of chlorine indicates water is adequately disinfected, or 3. Add household tincture of iodine in the same manner as bleach above, or 4. Use commercial purification tablets such as Halazone or Globaline. Follow package instructions. a) when the unit's rated capacity is reached b) at leats once a year c) when the flow rate diminishes d) when the filter becomes saturated with bad tastes and odors. It is also advisable to use water processed through a carbon block filter for brushing your teeth or any other consumption, especially if the quality of your tap water is questionable during an emergency situation. Your water supply and a good water filter are most important components of your emergency survival plan. A supply of clean, safe water could be your most precious survival item. Carbon blocks assure the safety of your water when following the guidelines included above. Be sure to include these important items in your Survival Plan so that you are prepared for that next disaster. Consider also stocking up on additional replacement filters. For a copy of the American Red Cross's 'Family Disaster
Plan and Personal Survival Guide," contact: TO ORDER