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Interesting Articles and Write-Ups Pertaining to Food

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Interesting Articles About Food
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How can a nation that wates nearly
96 billion
pounds of food each year have
12.4 million
children who are at risk of hunger?

Links To Articles on This Page
Organic Street Style
Home Delivery of Organic Foods
More Water/Less Meat
How To Buy Organic Foods More Cheaply
Government Study: High Levels of Pesticides in Kids' Diets
The Ethics of Fish
Fish as Brain Food
Food Prices
How to Create an Energy-Efficient Diet
Inflammation and The Best Foods
3-D Printed Meat

Vegan Cooking


Organic Street Style

Brahm Ahmadi and Malaika Edwards have found a unique way to get organic produce into the hands of West Oakland residents -- the mobile market they are calling "The People's Grocery." With a biodiesel truck covered in artistic graffiti, a bumping soundtrack, and bins full of colorful produce, their mission is to bring fresh and healthy foods at an affordable price to a community where fast-food used to be the only alternative. With 70% of residents living below the poverty line, West Oakland has more than a dozen liquor stores, and only one supermarket. Now, residents have alternatives that are better for their wallets, better for their health, and better for the environment.
- The People's Grocery


Across the U.S. a relatively new food delivery phenomenon is occurring. Increased working hours and busy schedules are requiring that some families find new ways of getting fresh locally grown organic produce to their homes. From San Francisco to Philadelphia to New York City, organic delivery services are successfully filling a new market niche in the food industry. Find one (or start one) near you:


In its ongoing investigation into options for feeding the world, the International Water Management Institute (IWMI) has released a report that lists fresh water scarcity as the leading issue limiting global food production, stating that "groundwater levels are plummeting and our rivers are already overstressed, yet there is a lot of complacency about the future." IWMI's report suggests a dietary shift, wherein meat consumption is reduced, would greatly alleviate these problems. Meat consumption in the world's wealthiest nations continues to be on the rise, yet it takes up to ten times as much water to produce a pound of beef, for example, as it does to produce an equivalent amount of nutrients and calories via fruits, vegetables, nuts and grains. The report does not state the human population of the world needs to become vegetarian, but does recommend a basic reduction in meat intake.

U.S. government scientists from the Centers for Disease Control have released a new study revealing that switching to organic foods provides children with "dramatic and immediate" protection from toxic pesticides. The scientists tested the urine of elementary school children for 15 days. Children ate conventional foods for ten of the days and ate organic foods for five days. During those five days, researchers saw the toxins malathion and chlorpyrifos in the children's urine completely disappear. These chemicals are two of the most commonly found pesticides on non-organic foods, and are associated with nerve damage in children. Pesticide levels increased five-fold in the children's urine as soon as conventional foods were reintroduced to their diet. The study concludes, "An organic diet provides a dramatic and immediate protective effect against exposure to organophosphorus pesticides that are commonly used in agricultural production."


The University of Hawaii has released a new study that shows people who consume processed meats have a 6,700% increased risk of pancreatic cancer over those who consume little or no meat products. The study was done over a period of seven years on nearly 200,000 people. Researchers pin the blame on sodium nitrite, a chemical used in nearly all processed meats, including sausage, hot dogs, jerkies, bacon, lunch meat, and even meats in canned soup products. Although these same meats can be purchased without sodium nitrite, consumers must seek the few products that are labeled as such. The USDA attempted to ban sodium nitrite in the 1970s, but was blocked by the meat industry, which relies heavily on the chemical to add color to processed meats, making them look more appealing. Author and nutritionist Mike Adams said of this and other similar study results, "Sodium nitrite is a dangerous, cancer-causing ingredient that has no place in the human food supply."                      


1. Research the products and companies you are interested in.
2. Shop at farmers' markets. It's local, fresh, and inexpensive.
3. Buy a share in a community-supported agriculture program (CSA).
4. Join a co-op. Most of them have discounts for members.
5. Join or start a buying club. It's a great excuse to hang out with your friends:)
6. Buy in bulk.
7. Buy big in-season.
8. In the off-season, buy dried and canned foods.
9. Canning, freezing and drying your own food can be a fun social event.
10. Spend time with family and friends by starting your own garden.


"We've shown you can successfully grow crops underground," says Cary Mitchell, a Purdue professor of horticulture, speaking of the University's fully contained underground agriculture project. The researchers are raising experimental genetically engineered crops in a 60 acre former limestone mine, in order to prevent pollen contamination. By controlling every aspect of the plant's environment, including light, temperature, co2 and humidity, researchers claim the yields are twice as much as what a similar crop is able to grow with natural air and sunlight. Mitchell believes that with affordable artificial lighting technologies, this subterranean model could revolutionize modern agriculture practices.

The ethics of fish-eating is becoming murkier. Species depletion, mercury and other toxic contamination, and yet recommendations from nutritionists that fish is good for you. Take the case of salmon: There are those that say it's best to purchase wild salmon, which spends its life in the ocean, feeding naturally, and thereby has less toxic residues in its body. It's like "free-range" fish, they say. And then there are the aquaculture proponents who note we're over-harvesting the ocean's fish to the point of extinction. On this side of the issue, they'll tell you it's best to raise salmon on coastal fish farms. They'll tell you it's the only way to produce enough fish to feed hungry North American consumers. But the coastal farms have their problems, as well. Concentrated production of fish creates aquatic clouds of feces that literally kills the coastal waters, while diseases and parasites run rampant and spread to wild fish. Feeding captive fish antibiotics, concentrated fish meal, and slaughterhouse waste also increases toxins in their bodies. Now a new breed of fish producers claims to have the "ultimate" environmentally conscious method. By raising fish in massive closed tanks, large numbers of fish can be produced without the spread of disease into the wild and the feces is collected and used as compost. But what about the well-being of the fish? Is it possible to assess whether or not our finned friends are content with swimming in such close quarters? Or is it simply time to dramatically cut back on these types of fish in our diets? Download your pocket seafood guide here: (, and share your thoughts on this topic in OCA's web forum

Fish as Brain Food
Fish really is brain food. A new study of elderly men and women found that eating fish at least once per week actually slows down the development of dementia. Although past studies have found the omega-3 fatty acids in fish reduce Alzheimer's disease risk, the current study authors say they are not related to the decline in dementia. The authors are calling for further studies to isolate the specific nutrient in fish related to the dementia decline.


Rising oil prices aren't just raising prices at the gas pump, they're also expected to dramatically increase the cost of conventional foods. According to the Earth Policy Institute, 80% of the energy currently used in the U.S. food system is consumed AFTER the food leaves the farm (transporting, processing and packaging the food). With the average food item traveling a full 2,000 miles from farm to fork, high oil prices will translate into higher food prices. Non-organic crops may also become prohibitively expensive. In the U.S., roughly three quadrillion Btu's of energy annually goes into making conventional fertilizers, which are made from natural gas. That's equivalent to a third of France's total annual energy consumption. As a result of escalating food costs, some market economists are predicting a renaissance of traditional American food production practices, such as sourcing organic foods from local farms and gardening at home.


"It takes about 10 fossil fuel calories to produce each food calorie in the average American diet. So if your daily food intake is 2,000 calories, then it took 20,000 calories to grow that food and get it to you. In more familiar units, this means that growing, processing and delivering the food consumed by a family of four each year requires the equivalent of almost 34,000 kilowatt-hours (kWh) of energy, or more than 930 gallons of gasoline (for comparison, the average U.S. household annually consumes about 10,800 kWh of electricity, or about 1,070 gallons of gasoline). In other words, we use about as much energy to grow and transport our food as to power our homes or fuel our cars." --- Buy locally grown foods.
Thomas Starrs- Chair of the American Solar Energy Society


A new report from the Mental Health Foundation indicates that dietary changes over the last fifty years have played a negative role in human mental health. Industrial agriculture has introduced pesticides and altered the body fat composition of animals due to the diets they are now fed. As a result, the population's intake of omega-3 fatty acids has decreased, and the consumption of omega-6 fatty acids has increased. According to the study, this unequal intake, combined with a lack of vitamins and minerals, is associated with depression, concentration and memory problems. Dr Andrew McCulloch, chief executive of the Mental Health Foundation, said, "We are well aware of the effect of diet upon our physical health. But we are only just beginning to understand how the brain as an organ is influenced by the nutrients it derives from the foods we eat and how diets have an impact on our mental health."

The Best Foods on the Block

Research increasingly points to inflammation as being at the root of devastating illnesses, including heart disease, diabetes, cancer and Alzheimer's disease. Normally, inflammation is the immune system's healing response to injury. It's a short-term answer to a particular situation and disappears once the problem is resolved. But in chronic inflammation, the immune system runs amok, misfiring cells at normal tissue and encouraging disease rather than healing.

The good news is that eating more healthful foods (and fewer unhealthful ones) can go a long way toward preventing or reducing inflammation and its consequences. According to Nancy Appleton, PhD, nutritional consultant and author of Stopping Inflammation: Relieving the Cause of Degenerative Diseases (Square One), the best anti-inflammatory diet is one that embraces a variety of nutrient-packed whole foods and avoids detrimental choices such as refined white flour and sugar, red meat and highly processed foods. Her recommendations for an anti-inflammatory diet include...


Nine or more servings of fruits and vegetables, that is. The old five-a-day recommendation was scrapped in January 2005, when, in recognition of the crucial role that nutrient-dense fruits and veggies play in good health, the US Dietary Guidelines upped the ante to nine. Fresh produce such as green leafy vegetables and brightly colored fruits and vegetables are rich in antioxidants, which prevent the free radical oxidation of free radicals that leads to inflammation. Dr. Appleton especially recommends berries, which contain inflammation-dampening polyphenols, and flavonoids called anthocyanins that discourage oxidative damage.

Inflammation-fighting tip: While nine a day may seem like a lot, it's easier than you think to squeeze them in. For example, sprinkle one half cup of blueberries, blackberries or strawberries on your whole-grain breakfast cereal... munch on an apple (rich in naturally anti-inflammatory quercetin)... a handful of baby carrots or red pepper strips for a mid-morning snack... enjoy an avocado salad topped with a few shrimp and a squeeze of lemon for lunch... make a strawberry-banana smoothie for a late afternoon pick-me-up... and put together a quick stir-fry for dinner, heavy on the greens and easy on the protein. When eating your fruits and veggies, "raw is best" since some of their enzymes and antioxidants are destroyed by heating. When you do cook your vegetables, less is best.


Some of the most powerful inflammation fighters come from the sea, and Dr. Appleton highly recommends cold-water fish such as salmon, tuna, halibut, trout, sardines and mackerel. These are excellent sources of omega-3 essential fatty acids, which have potent anti-inflammatory properties. Try to eat fish at least twice a week. (Note: Pregnant or nursing women and young children through adolescents should not eat high-mercury fish such as shark, swordfish and tilefish more than twice a week. Read about mercury dangers in Daily Health News, September 6, 2005.)

Inflammation-fighting tip: If you're not a big fish eater, consider taking a 2,000-mg fish oil supplement daily. While it is best taken as a liquid, capsules are okay, too. Vegetarian sources of omega-3 fatty acids include flaxseed oil and walnuts but do not contain nearly the same level of omega-3s as the fish sources.


Other rich sources of essential fatty acids are nuts and seeds (almonds, macadamia nuts, flaxseed, etc.). Choose these anti-inflammatory healthful fats instead of the artery-clogging saturated and trans fats that abound in processed and fast foods like baked goods, chicken nuggets, hamburgers and french fries. As for oils, olive is a good anti-inflammatory choice. Steer clear of cottonseed, corn, peanut and soy oils, which contain omega-6 fatty acids. Too much omega-6 fatty acid can actually become pro-inflammatory when out of balance with omega-3s. Keep in mind, too, that minimally processed oils are always a more healthful choice than highly refined ones.

Inflammation-fighting tip: Sprinkle a tablespoon or two of flaxseed or wheat germ on your breakfast cereal, and add taste and texture to your salad with nuts and seeds instead of croutons. As for that bowl of candy or pretzels on your desk, replace it with one filled with pumpkin seeds, almonds, pecans or walnuts.


Protein is a key part of the diet, vital to maintaining cell, muscle and tissue health. Good anti-inflammatory proteins include cold-water fish, free-range poultry with the skin removed, eggs enriched with omega-3s, beans, nuts and grains (Dr. Appleton's favorite is millet). Meat should be consumed in moderation, since it contains potentially pro-inflammatory arachidonic acid. When you do opt for meat, it's best to choose organic cuts, because chemicals from commercially fed livestock mean more work for the liver, which can result in inflammation. Preparation counts too, as frying, barbecuing and smoking cause the formation of cancer-causing chemicals called acrylamides and flare-ups of inflammation. More healthful choices are poaching or stewing.

Inflammation-fighting tip: Instead of chips and dip (packed with the saturated and trans fats that encourage inflammation), snack on apple slices or celery smeared with protein-rich hummus or peanut butter.


In the long run, what you don't put in your mouth can be even more important than what you do, reminds Dr. Appleton. Eating healthful foods doesn't give you a free pass to down colas or french fries covered with melted processed cheese (a disgusting combination I recently encountered at the ballpark). Avoid foods that stimulate inflammation, including simple sugars, refined white flour, red meat, fast or fried foods, food additives and partially hydrogenated oils. For many people, other hard-to-digest foods that encourage inflammation include dairy and wheat.

Inflammation-fighting tip: Steer clear of sugary soft drinks, and instead sip antioxidant-rich tea. Choose whole grains instead of refined ones, and keep dairy to a minimum. If you must have it, try goat or sheep milk products, which are less inflammatory.


Not only will an anti-inflammatory diet help prevent a wide range of diseases, over time you'll also find that it gives you more energy and makes you feel better all around. However, don't feel obligated to do it all at once or you may get overwhelmed and quit, cautions Dr. Appleton. Make small changes. For example, start by eating fish just once a week, or replacing your breakfast bagel with whole-grain cereal and fruit. Over time, small changes add up and make a big difference.



Kraft Foods bought small natural cereals producer Back to Nature in 2004. The company is a subsidiary of Altria Group, which also owns Phillip Morris Companies Inc., one of the largest cigarette makers in the world. Kraft also owns Boca Burger Inc.
Odwalla Inc., which produces natural and organic fruit juices, was purchased by Coca-Cola in 2001.
Dean Foods Co., the largest dairy company in the U.S., bought out Horizon Organic in 2003, in addition to Silk soymilk and White Wave tofu.
Kellogg's has acquired several natural and organic brands: Kashi Cereal and Morningstar Farms.
General Mills purchased Cascadian Farm, in 2000. The brand consists of items such as frozen fruit, vegetables, granola bars and fruit spreads. General Mills also bought out Muir Glen, which produces ketchup, tomato sauce, and salsa.
Unilever bought out Ben & Jerry's for $326 million.
Colgate-Palmolive Co. is purchasing Tom's of Maine, which specializes in natural oral and personal care products.

Learn more:


Wake-up Calls: 7 Ways to Boost Your Energy Without Caffeine

By Lisa Palac

For most, it happens in the late afternoon, usually between lunch and 6ish: that feeling of sluggish, low-energy brain-deadness that makes you want to call it quits for the day. Since that's generally not an option, you reach for the next solution: the caffeine pick-me-up. Whether it's coffee or tea or a yerba mate, many of us are in the habit of using caffeine to prop ourselves up during the draggiest part of the day. Of course, some of us—and you know who you are—go one step further and combine refined sugar and caffeine. Nothing like a Frappucino® and double fudge mini-donut to shake things up. It's a slippery slope.

But what if you don't want to be a Coffee Achiever? Maybe it's getting in the way of sleep later that night. Or maybe you've done some research, weighed the pros and cons, and decided caffeine just isn't your thing. How to break the cycle? Here are 7 healthy ways to pull yourself through an afternoon.

  1. Get 15 minutes of exercise. Researchers at the University of Georgia found overwhelming evidence that regular exercise plays a significant role in increasing energy levels and reducing fatigue. "A lot of times when people are fatigued, the last thing they want to do is exercise," said professor Patrick O'Connor, co-director of the UGA exercise psychology laboratory. "But if you're physically inactive and fatigued, being just a bit more active will help." Take a power walk, take a quick run, do 15 sun salutes. Walk up and down the office stairs for 15 minutes. Jump rope for 3 minutes, then walk. The more active you can be in these 15 minutes, the better. Activity increases circulation, and circulation transports oxygen throughout the body, which in turn boosts our energy level.
  2. Start breathing deeply. Conscious breathing is, perhaps, the easiest way to energize your body and improve mental clarity, among many other benefits. Breathing deeply provides your body with the oxygen it needs to increase energy and alertness. Dr. Andrew Weil, who has written extensively on the restorative power of the breath, suggests "The Stimulating Breath" as an energy booster. (It's basically a mini-version of Kundalini yoga's "Breath of Fire.") Close your mouth, and breathe forcefully and rapidly in and out of your nose for 15 seconds, then breathe naturally. Alternately, you can sit up straight, on a ball if possible, roll your shoulders back and breathe deeply for 10 minutes, pausing on the inhale and then again on the exhale, as a way to simply become aware of your breath.
  3. Eat some almonds. Here's the amazing thing about almonds: they're rich in protein and they contain magnesium, a mineral that helps convert sugar into energy. Magnesium also helps with immune support, restful sleep, stress relief and heightens mood. The almond is often considered a superfood because it's high in calcium and vitamin E with zero cholesterol. If you can't/won't eat almonds, try cashews, walnuts, or pecans. Nut butters are also a good way to mix up the textures, preferably unsalted. If almonds are too hard on your teeth, try soaking them in water overnight before you eat them. It softens them just enough.
  4. Crank up the music. Listening to your favorite fast song gets you pumped up and gives you a quick burst of energy, right? The music works on several physiological levels. One, music can raise your endorphin level. Endorphins are the biochemicals produced by our brains that both relieve pain and increase our sense of happiness. They're the same chemicals responsible for "the runner's high," the euphoric feeling you get after a great workout. Two, music boosts your energy level by increasing blood flow. Researchers at the University of Maryland School of Medicine in Baltimore concluded that listening to your favorite music has a measurably positive effect on your cardiovascular system by expanding the inner lining of your blood vessels, which increases circulation.
  5. Soak up the sun. Take a break and get out in the sunshine, even if it's only for 10 minutes. The sun is a great source of vitamin D, a nutrient that's essential for healthy bones and teeth, but research now suggests that vitamin D may help in preventing cancer, as well as regulating our moods, cognitive abilities, and energy levels. The sun also plays a huge role in our daily circadian rhythm, our body's natural 24-hour sleep/awake cycle. When this cycle is thrown out of balance, it often leads to sleep loss and stress, which in turn leads to increased caffeine use.
  6. Take a power nap. Cornell psychology professor James Maas coined the term "power nap" in his 1997 book, Power Sleep. In it, he recommends the daytime nap as a healthy, even necessary activity—but only if you don't have trouble falling asleep at night. He also believes they are most effective when you take them at the same time every day, which is usually about 8 hours after you wake. Maas says 15 to 30 minutes is the optimal amount of time for a nap; any longer and you'll enter a deep sleep which can leave you feeling groggy. He also provides these nap tips:

    • Turn off the lights, close the door, and get rid of other distractions.
    • Lying down on a couch, or chair with your feet up, is ideal, but any position including head down on your desk will do.
    • Set an alarm, so you can nap worry-free.
  7. Take a Scottish shower. It's what James Bond does, and look at the energy that guy has. In the Ian Fleming novels, Bond's showers start out hot but finish with icy cold invigorating water. Commonly known as the Scottish shower, the idea is that alternating between hot and cold water improves cardiovascular circulation, which leads to feeling energized. Beyond youthful vigor, practitioners of the Scottish shower claim it keeps them younger-looking, too. In addition, researchers at the Virginia Commonwealth University School of Medicine found that short cold showers might even help relieve depression. If you want to give it a try, it's simple: Spend four minutes in a hot shower, then slowly decrease the amount of hot water, until it's pure cold. Enjoy the chill for at least two minutes.

If caffeine is your habit, it will require a bit of effort to replace it with other ways to lively up yourself. But the first step is simply becoming aware of all the other effective options available to you. And now you know. Welcome to your new, jitter-free, energized, oxygen-rich world.

Related Articles
"The Latté Lowdown: 10 Things to Like and Not Like About Coffee"
"10 Ways to Get Your Butt Off the Couch This Winter"
"Sugar Addiction Detox 101"


Top 10 Seasonal Foods to Summer-Proof Your Body

By Sarah Stevenson

Who doesn't love summer? Wearing bathing suits, playing Frisbee® at the beach, swimming on a warm August night, and the abundance of yummy fruits and veggies that grow during the summer months. There's truly nothing like the flavor of food that's ripe and ready to be eaten from your local farmers' market or, if you're lucky, from your own backyard. Not only does local, seasonal food taste better, but less time traveling from vine to plate means it maintains more vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients.

Here's just some of the produce in season that'll keep you healthy and strong. That way, you can enjoy every last sunset and sunrise this summer.

  1. Melons. Melons are a summer superfood. They're great, low-calorie snacks that give you a nice, fresh pick-me-up. Melons are full of water; in fact, watermelon in particular gets 92 percent of its weight from water, and its cousins, cantaloupe and honeydew, don't fall far behind. You might notice most of the fruits and veggies that bloom in summer are a great source of water, which of course is Mother Nature taking care of us in the hot, sweaty summer months. Melons do a great job at filling your tummy as well. Full tummy but hot body sounds like a perfect combination for swimsuit season, right?
  2. Cucumber. Most of us could use a bit more fiber in our diets. The secret is to also up your water intake, so your food can move freely through your system. Cucumbers have the perfect balance of the two. This veggie is great for those summer months when you get all hot and sweaty. Cucumbers are a tasty, convenient snack food and a refreshing pick-me-up to your salads, sandwiches, and even water.
  3. Avocado. This summer fruit often gets a bad rep for its fat content. Too bad, because it's good fat, if eaten in moderation. Fresh, ripe avocados contain non-oxidized monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, which can lower blood pressure, according to the American Heart Association. Why do we love this summer fruit particularly in the sunbathing season? It does a great job at filling up your tummy due to its high fat content, so you're not quite as vulnerable to those naughty snacks that keep you begging for more. There's also research that suggests avocados can reverse the aging process by providing plenty of vitamin E to heal damaged skin.
  4. Corn. You can buy this summer BBQ staple year-round, but it really tastes the best and is most cost effective during the summer months because, you guessed, it's in season. It contains a bunch of digestive enzymes that will help metabolize your food once it hits your intestines. Corn is high in antioxidants, which keep your immune system healthy. (Who wants to be sick in the summer?) It is a fantastic source of fiber, and it contains lutein and zeaxanthin, which help protect you from the sun's harmful rays. So throw some corn on the barbie. It's good for you.
  5. Lemons. Lemon trees are in bloom year-round, so they aren't actually considered a seasonal fruit. But I always think of the summer days when my sis and I would squeeze a bunch of lemon juice in our hair before we went surfing, so our hair would get lighter. Like cucumber, lemons are a great way to spice up your water. Doing this makes for a natural system cleanser that aids digestion (warding off heartburn and gas) and stimulates your liver, according to many holistic practitioners. Furthermore, when you squeeze a little lemon in your water, you tend to drink more, which is always good. Lemons are also a great exfoliant, which is super helpful for those summer days when you start to look like a lizard shedding its skin from all that baking in the sun. Finally, it can also work as a teeth whitener to make your teeth even whiter against your tan skin for a stunning smile. So when life gives you lemons, sure, you could make lemonade, but why not stay away from all that refined sugar? Instead, make hair lightener, teeth whitener, exfoliant, and yummy water.
  6. Green beans. These crunchy, scrumptious little veggies are great raw for a summer snack. They also taste amazing grilled with garlic and lemon, and are so incredibly good for you. They're rich in manganese, a nutrient that helps in the metabolism of carbohydrates. Manganese also metabolizes vitamin E, which fights against the signs of aging (an inevitable occurrence that increases when you're exposed to too much sun). This means green beans should be on your grocery list this summer to help keep your skin beautiful and your body fit.
  7. Peppers. Peppers have more flavors and are less expensive during the summer months when they're in abundance. Peppers add vivacious color and flavor to your summer meals and contain a plethora of nutrients. The sweeter bell peppers (red and yellow) are packed with vitamin A, which keeps your skin nice and strong while incidentally fighting off infection. Hot peppers like habaneros, jalapenos, serranos, cayenne, and chipotle peppers are low in calories and have the much-desired benefit of being metabolism-enhancing fat burners. Don't blaze off your taste buds trying to shed pounds, but do add a little heat to your summer plates to help kick-start the pound-shedding process.
  8. Tomatoes. These easy-to-grow backyard buddies contain many nutrients that serve as allies against summer's negative attributes. Tomatoes contain lycopene, which is found to be effective in fighting the signs of aging due to ultraviolet light. So when you cut up a nice, juicy tomato and toss it in your salad, you are actually increasing your chances of keeping the youthful sheen that sun exposure can take away. Lycopene also helps fight against cancer. Tomatoes contain vitamins A and C as well as beta-carotene, which are heavy hitters in the war against free radicals that cause cell damage.
  9. Cherries. If life were really just a bowl of cherries, it would be one blissful life. Why? Because cherries contain some pretty awesome nutrients. For starters, they contain melatonin, a natural hormone produced in our brain's pineal gland that is known to slow the aging process. Increasing your melatonin levels can offer the benefit of a beautiful night's rest, as well as acting as a pain reliever. Cherries also contain antioxidants (a trend in summer produce, apparently). A 1999 study at Michigan State University found that the antioxidant activity of tart black cherries is greater than plain ol' vitamin E. That's certainly not the pits.
  10. Peaches. Have you ever compared a peach in the winter and a peach in the summer? If you have, you know how obvious it is that this is indeed a summer fruit. Peaches contain many nutrients that your body needs to stay vital and strong, including vitamins A and C, as well as other antioxidants and fiber. Like corn, peaches also contain lutein and zeaxanthin, which protect your eyes from sun damage.

So don't starve yourself of delectable food this season. Summer offers a wide variety of fruits and vegetables packed with nutrients to make you as beautiful as you can be. Take advantage of the season. It won't be here forever.


  • American Heart Association:
  • Yu Wen Li, Zhao Ya Ping, Xue Zheng, Wang Da Pu (Shanghai Jiao Tong University); Study on Synergistic Effect of Two Antioxidants and Its Anti-ageing Properties [J]; China Oils and Fats; 2002
  • Haibo Wang, Muraleedharan G. Nair, Gale M. Strasburg, Yu-Chen Chang, Alden M. Booren, J. Ian Gray, and David L. DeWitt. Antioxidant and Antiinflammatory Activities of Anthocyanins and Their Aglycon, Cyanidin, from Tart Cherries. Journal of Natural Products 1999, 62 (2), pp 294-2

What Do You Think of 3-D Printed Meat?

3D printed meat on the way – and it will be disruptive, say American specialists
By Kitty So, 03-Feb-2015

3D printed meat production will become technically feasible and could create competition for traditional meat producers as consumers will ultimately be able to print their own meat products – although much research and development still remains, say American food academics.



  • Natural Energizers
  • agriculture
  • see March-April 1999 issue of Audubon special report: "The Organic Revolution"
  • The WebSmartIdeas aims to promote and disseminate good creative ideas to improve society:
  • "Small Farmers Creating a New Business Model as Agriculture Goes Local"

  • ______________________

    Articles yet to write:

  • agriculture:  seed preservation, sustainable agriculture, winter gardens, edible landscaping, organic farming
  • preparation
  • storage
  • balance, frugality & waste, global perspective, fast foods, habit
  • diet (vegetables, vegan, fast food)
  • recycling food and food wastes
  • see March-April 1999 issue of Audubon special report: "The Organic Revolution"

  • Go to related food pages on this web site:

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