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Important factors to consider when selecting food supplements

General Answers to Questions about Food Supplements
For specific, detailed answers,
call Dean at (877) 713-7858

1.  How good are the various brands?  Vitamins are not all the same.  There is an enormous variation in the quality of supplements on the market, and it is important to know what to look for.
2.  How fresh are they?  Other than the shelf life expiration date, it is hard to know how long ago the supplements were actually made.  Ideally they should be made within 24 hours of the purchase date.
3.  Are the ingredients sufficient Check to see if the ingredients partially or fully satisfy your body's needs.
4.  Are the ingredients natural or syntheticOf course, natural ingredients are always preferable over synthetic substitutes.
5.  Are they standardized: are the proportions consistent?  Non-standardized supplements very in their ingredient proportions from batch to batch.  Make sure yours are standardized.
6.  Is the selected combination of ingredients correctly balanced Taking too much of one ingredient and not enough of another can actually lead to a mineral or vitamin deficiency.
7.  What is the cohesive base used to hold the ingredients together? How many fillers are used?  Choose supplements with the least amount of fillers.
8.  Are the tablets hot pressed or cold pressed Hot-pressing cooks out the valuable nutrients.  Cold-pressed supplements are more potent.
9.  What is the disintegration rate: how quickly do they break down?  Drop a tablet in a glass of cold water.  It should break down into powder within twenty minutes or less.
10. How do they dissolve Are they time-released?  If supplements don't dissolve, they cannot be absorbed.  Find out the rate for the supplements you choose.
11. How are the minerals bonded The method of mineral bonding determines that mineral's solubility and absorption.  What form is used: sulfate, oxide, gluconate, chelate, or what?
12. Which are better: liquids, powders, gels, capsules or tablets?  Liquids often dilute the ingredients and actually create a weaker effect. The key to mineral solubility is the bonding process.
13. What is the absorption rate?  If a supplement isn't absorbed, then it is worthless.  The higher the absorption rate, the more value there is in taking that supplement.
14. How carefully were they tested? What kind of research was done?  Who backed the research?  Was it independently tested?  How much testing was done?  What are the results?
15. Are they patented?  Generic non-patented supplements made with inexpensive ingredients do practically nothing.  Patented supplements are solidly documented.
16. Are they easy to swallow?  Many people cannot swallow large tablets.  The smaller they are and the better shaped they are, the easier they are to swallow.
17. How do they taste and smell?  Frequently vitamins stink, and many smell like Vitamin B.  Ideally supplements should taste good and have no smell.
18. How much do they cost Are they worth the price?  Why pay a lot for something that does little?  Why not pay a little for something that does a lot?
19. Are they convenient to purchase?  The most convenient way to purchase anything is to have it delivered directly to your door.
20. Are they guaranteed?  Can I get my money back?  It is not pleasant to be stuck with something you don't like or that doesn't work.  Check on the guarantee.
21. How are they packaged?  Anything in bottles should be protected from the light.  Vitamin/mineral tablet combinations in pre-packaged portable units are the most convenient.
22. What is the proper dosage?  Take the proper dosage.  Once a day is not sufficient.  If you don't follow the instructions and cheat on the dosage, you might as well not take anything at all.
23. Are there any supplements that aid digestion Most flora supplements die from stomach acid and don't reach the intestines.  Look for those with acid-resistant strains.
24. Do they reduce or produce free radicals It has been found that any supplements bonded with sulfate, oxide, gluconate or chelate actually produce, rather than inhibit, free radicals.
25. Are they customized for men and for women?  Men have different need than women.  People over fifty have different need than younger people.  Get customized supplements.
26. Are there many personal stories and testimonies?  What do other people say?Talk to people who have already been using the supplements to get first-hand impressions.


Call Dean at (877) 713-7858 to learn which supplements rank the highest in all these categories.


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